Sunday, April 22, 2012
La Meglio gioventu'
You have just landed a job as a film critic. Your first assignment is to write a review for the movie "La meglio gioventu'" Please summarize in your own words the main events of the film, and then give your critique. What did you like/dislike about the movie? What would you have done differently if you were the director? Why is this movie a good source of information to learn about the history of important events that occurred in Italy from the 1960's to the present day? Don't forget to mention the key events and also decide how many stars you would give the movie!
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Late Middle Ages / Early Renaissance Timeline
Birth, death, important works
Art, Architecture, Scientists/Discoveries, Literature, Famous People,
Dante Timeline
Dante: born, Beatrice, exiled, Divine Comedy, died
Leonardo da Vinci
Genghis Khan
Marco Polo
Bonifacio VIII
Saint Francis of Assisi
Tower of Pisa
University of Bologna
Oxford University
Notre Dame
Black Death (the Plague)
“standard” Italian lanaugage
Art, Architecture, Scientists/Discoveries, Literature, Famous People,
Dante Timeline
Dante: born, Beatrice, exiled, Divine Comedy, died
Leonardo da Vinci
Genghis Khan
Marco Polo
Bonifacio VIII
Saint Francis of Assisi
Tower of Pisa
University of Bologna
Oxford University
Notre Dame
Black Death (the Plague)
“standard” Italian lanaugage
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Roma citta' aperta
1. Chi è il regista (director) di Roma città aperta?
2. Qual è la trama (plot) del film?
3. Quale sono due argomenti (topics/themes) principali del film?
4. Dove e quando è ambientato il film?
5. Chi è (o chi sono) il protagonista del film? Perché?
6. Perché è speciale questo film?
7. Per quale causa lavorano insieme Francesco, Manfredi e il prete don Pietro?
8. What is going on in the scene below?
9. Who is Ingrid talking to on the phone, and what does she want from this person?
10. Why are the people gathering around?
11. Why are the kids walking away together?
12. Why is this movie classified as a Neorealist movie? (give three reasons)
13. Some sources include La Vita e' bella as a Neorealist movie. Do you agree or not? Give evidence.
Which characters made the following statements? (Choose from: Pina, Marcello, Don Pietro, Marina, Major Bergman, Ingrid or Giorgio Manfredi)
14. "If you really loved me, you would have changed me."
15. "Of course he'll talk. If he doesn't it would mean an Italian is worth as much as a German...and no reason for this war!"
16. "Papa, take this in case you are cold...mamma gave it to me."
17. "I believe that he who fights for justice and truth walks in the path of God."
18. "He could have found a better woman than me - n
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Roma - un po' di storia
1) Who was Virgil? Why was the Aeneid important?
In the Aeneid, Virgil states:
Roman, remember the attributes worthy of you:
To rule the people under your empire,
To impose and maintain peace,
To spare and aid the meek,
To tame the arrogant.
2) Find some evidence online that shows that the Romans followed these suggestions (or that they did not). Copy your sources and explain.
3) What purpose did the Trojan Horse serve in the Trojan War? Please explain the story briefly. Bonus: Can you find the part in the Aeneid? Print it for extra credit.

4) The fame of Aeneas and the episodes of the Trojan war reached the shores of North Africa. The queen Dido asked Aeneas to stay a while at her court and narrate the details of the war. Find some more information about Dido (a few facts).
The Founding of Rome:
5) What is the legend of Romulus and Remus? Summarize the legend and explain what it has to do with the founding of Rome.
Romulus expanded Roman control over the neighboring territories and instituted the Senate (a governing body of elder patricians). The population in Rome was at first divided into two categories: the patricians and the plebians.
6) Who were the patricians? Who were the plebians?
The success of the Roman expansion
7) What was the strategy that allowed the Romans to first conquer and, secondly, to maintain their conquered territories? (Name a few ideas: approximately 5 ideas)
Religion in Ancient Rome
The Romans were polytheists (they believed in many gods). They feared and respected their gods, and sought to win their favors. Sacrifices to ingratiate the gods were a common occurence in Roman soceity.
Jupiter was the king of all gods, emperor of Olympus and protector of Rome. He portrays universal justice and the power of nature. He is the final judge, the god of the earth, and his weapon was the thunderbolt with which he would strike down his enemies.
You might be more familiar with his Greek name.
8) What was Jupiter's Greek name?
9) Who was Venus?
10) What was Venus's son's name?

Expansion of the Roman Republic
11) Who was the biggest threat to the Roman Republic?
12) What were the three wars fought?
13) Gaius Julius Caesar was born in Rome on July 13, 100 B.C. His ancestry was of noble origin. The Julian family could trace its origins to the legendary Iulius, son of the Trojan hero ____________, father of the Latin dynasty. Like many other young Roman aristocrats of the period, Caesar went to Greece to perfect his skills in oratory and his knowledge of philosophy.
From Egypt (after he ordered Ptolemy dethroned and named his younger sister Cleopatra queen), Caesar proceeded to Asia Minor and defeated King Pharnaces II in a war that lasted only days. After this swift victory, Caesar sent his famous message back to Rome: "Veni, Vidi, Vici!"
14) What does this message translate to in English?

15) Name 3 things that led the Roman Empire to fall.
In the Aeneid, Virgil states:
Roman, remember the attributes worthy of you:
To rule the people under your empire,
To impose and maintain peace,
To spare and aid the meek,
To tame the arrogant.
2) Find some evidence online that shows that the Romans followed these suggestions (or that they did not). Copy your sources and explain.
3) What purpose did the Trojan Horse serve in the Trojan War? Please explain the story briefly. Bonus: Can you find the part in the Aeneid? Print it for extra credit.

4) The fame of Aeneas and the episodes of the Trojan war reached the shores of North Africa. The queen Dido asked Aeneas to stay a while at her court and narrate the details of the war. Find some more information about Dido (a few facts).
The Founding of Rome:
5) What is the legend of Romulus and Remus? Summarize the legend and explain what it has to do with the founding of Rome.
Romulus expanded Roman control over the neighboring territories and instituted the Senate (a governing body of elder patricians). The population in Rome was at first divided into two categories: the patricians and the plebians.
6) Who were the patricians? Who were the plebians?
The success of the Roman expansion
7) What was the strategy that allowed the Romans to first conquer and, secondly, to maintain their conquered territories? (Name a few ideas: approximately 5 ideas)
Religion in Ancient Rome
The Romans were polytheists (they believed in many gods). They feared and respected their gods, and sought to win their favors. Sacrifices to ingratiate the gods were a common occurence in Roman soceity.
Jupiter was the king of all gods, emperor of Olympus and protector of Rome. He portrays universal justice and the power of nature. He is the final judge, the god of the earth, and his weapon was the thunderbolt with which he would strike down his enemies.
You might be more familiar with his Greek name.
8) What was Jupiter's Greek name?
9) Who was Venus?
10) What was Venus's son's name?

Expansion of the Roman Republic
11) Who was the biggest threat to the Roman Republic?
12) What were the three wars fought?
13) Gaius Julius Caesar was born in Rome on July 13, 100 B.C. His ancestry was of noble origin. The Julian family could trace its origins to the legendary Iulius, son of the Trojan hero ____________, father of the Latin dynasty. Like many other young Roman aristocrats of the period, Caesar went to Greece to perfect his skills in oratory and his knowledge of philosophy.
From Egypt (after he ordered Ptolemy dethroned and named his younger sister Cleopatra queen), Caesar proceeded to Asia Minor and defeated King Pharnaces II in a war that lasted only days. After this swift victory, Caesar sent his famous message back to Rome: "Veni, Vidi, Vici!"
14) What does this message translate to in English?

15) Name 3 things that led the Roman Empire to fall.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
I confini d'Italia
L'Italia confina (borders) con quattro paesi: la Francia, la Svizzera, l'Austria e la Slovenia. Questi paesi hanno un impatto sulla cultura, la lingua, il cibo e anche su tanti altri fattori importanti.
1) What countries does Italy border with?
2) What are some of the influences that these border countries have had on Italy?
Read the New York Times article, "In the Footsteps of James Joyce" and answer the following questions based on the article:
3) Quali due lingue parlano in Trieste?
4) Con quali due paesi confina Trieste?
Guarda la cartina d'Italia.
5) In quale regione si trova (is found) Trieste?
Read this description of Friuli Venezia Giulia.
6) explain how its location has had an impact on its food.
7) What are frico and jota? Do they seem like typical Italian dishes?
8) Trova un piatto tipico del Friuli Venezia Giulia che ti piace. Come si chiama? Quali sono gli ingredienti importanti?
Guarda questo film su Friuli Venezia Giulia.
9) Descrivi la regione. Cosa vedi?
10) Look at the 360 Cities in Google Earth. Il Friuli ha posti belli sul mare, ma ha anche bei posti in montagna. Quale sono i due posti piu' belli del Friuli Venezia Giulia?
Il Friuli confina con la regione Trentino.
11) Quali sono i due posti piu' belli di Trentino che trovi in 360 Cities? Perche'?
Il trentino alto adige e' famoso per i suoi laghi ma soprattutto per le sue montagne che si chiamano dolomiti
12) Perche' sono belle le dolomiti?
13) Quanti chilometri di piste ski ci sono sulle Dolomiti?
Look at this page that describes traditional cuisine from Alto Adige?
14) What elements does the cusine have?
15) Quali sono alcuni piatti tipici?
16) Sembrano piatti tipici italiani?
1) What countries does Italy border with?
2) What are some of the influences that these border countries have had on Italy?
Read the New York Times article, "In the Footsteps of James Joyce" and answer the following questions based on the article:
3) Quali due lingue parlano in Trieste?
4) Con quali due paesi confina Trieste?
Guarda la cartina d'Italia.
5) In quale regione si trova (is found) Trieste?
Read this description of Friuli Venezia Giulia.
6) explain how its location has had an impact on its food.
7) What are frico and jota? Do they seem like typical Italian dishes?
8) Trova un piatto tipico del Friuli Venezia Giulia che ti piace. Come si chiama? Quali sono gli ingredienti importanti?
Guarda questo film su Friuli Venezia Giulia.
9) Descrivi la regione. Cosa vedi?
10) Look at the 360 Cities in Google Earth. Il Friuli ha posti belli sul mare, ma ha anche bei posti in montagna. Quale sono i due posti piu' belli del Friuli Venezia Giulia?
Il Friuli confina con la regione Trentino.
11) Quali sono i due posti piu' belli di Trentino che trovi in 360 Cities? Perche'?
Il trentino alto adige e' famoso per i suoi laghi ma soprattutto per le sue montagne che si chiamano dolomiti
12) Perche' sono belle le dolomiti?
13) Quanti chilometri di piste ski ci sono sulle Dolomiti?
Look at this page that describes traditional cuisine from Alto Adige?
14) What elements does the cusine have?
15) Quali sono alcuni piatti tipici?
16) Sembrano piatti tipici italiani?
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
I confini d'Italia: Friuli Venezia Giulia e Trentino
L'Italia confina (borders) con quattro paesi: la Francia, la Svizzera, l'Austria e la Slovenia. Questi paesi hanno un impatto sulla cultura, la lingua, il cibo e anche su tanti altri fattori importanti.
1) What countries does Italy border with?
2) What are some of the influences that these border countries have had on Italy?
Read the New York Times article, "In the Footsteps of James Joyce" and answer the following questions based on the article:
3) Quali due lingue parlano in Trieste?
4) Con quali due paesi confina Trieste?
Guarda la cartina d'Italia.
5) In quale regione si trova (is found) Trieste?
Read this description of Friuli Venezia Giulia.
6) explain how its location has had an impact on its food.
7) What are frico and jota? Do they seem like typical Italian dishes?
8) Trova un piatto tipico del Friuli Venezia Giulia che ti piace. Come si chiama? Quali sono gli ingredienti importanti?
Guarda questo film su Friuli Venezia Giulia.
9) Descrivi la regione. Cosa vedi?
10) Look at the 360 Cities in Google Earth. Il Friuli ha posti belli sul mare, ma ha anche bei posti in montagna. Quale sono i due posti piu' belli del Friuli Venezia Giulia?
Il Friuli confina con la regione Trentino.
11) Quali sono i due posti piu' belli di Trentino che trovi in 360 Cities? Perche'?
Il trentino alto adige e' famoso per i suoi laghi ma soprattutto per le sue montagne che si chiamano dolomiti
12) Perche' sono belle le dolomiti?
13) Quanti chilometri di piste ski ci sono sulle Dolomiti?
Look at this page that describes traditional cuisine from Alto Adige?
14) What elements does the cusine have?
15) Quali sono alcuni piatti tipici?
16) Sembrano piatti tipici italiani?
1) What countries does Italy border with?
2) What are some of the influences that these border countries have had on Italy?
Read the New York Times article, "In the Footsteps of James Joyce" and answer the following questions based on the article:
3) Quali due lingue parlano in Trieste?
4) Con quali due paesi confina Trieste?
Guarda la cartina d'Italia.
5) In quale regione si trova (is found) Trieste?
Read this description of Friuli Venezia Giulia.
6) explain how its location has had an impact on its food.
7) What are frico and jota? Do they seem like typical Italian dishes?
8) Trova un piatto tipico del Friuli Venezia Giulia che ti piace. Come si chiama? Quali sono gli ingredienti importanti?
Guarda questo film su Friuli Venezia Giulia.
9) Descrivi la regione. Cosa vedi?
10) Look at the 360 Cities in Google Earth. Il Friuli ha posti belli sul mare, ma ha anche bei posti in montagna. Quale sono i due posti piu' belli del Friuli Venezia Giulia?
Il Friuli confina con la regione Trentino.
11) Quali sono i due posti piu' belli di Trentino che trovi in 360 Cities? Perche'?
Il trentino alto adige e' famoso per i suoi laghi ma soprattutto per le sue montagne che si chiamano dolomiti
12) Perche' sono belle le dolomiti?
13) Quanti chilometri di piste ski ci sono sulle Dolomiti?
Look at this page that describes traditional cuisine from Alto Adige?
14) What elements does the cusine have?
15) Quali sono alcuni piatti tipici?
16) Sembrano piatti tipici italiani?
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Roma città aperta
1. Chi è il regista (director) di Roma città aperta?
2. Qual è la trama (plot) del film?
3. Quale sono due argomenti (topics/themes) principali del film?
4. Dove e quando è ambientato il film?
5. Chi è (o chi sono) il protagonista del film? Perché?
6. Perché è speciale questo film?
7. Per quale causa lavorano insieme Francesco, Manfredi e il prete don Pietro?
8. What is going on in the scene below?
9. Who is Ingrid talking to on the phone, and what does she want from this person?
10. Why are the people gathering around?
11. Why are the kids walking away together?
12. Why is this movie classified as a Neorealist movie? (give three reasons)
13. Some sources include La Vita e' bella as a Neorealist movie. Do you agree or not? Give evidence.
Which characters made the following statements? (Choose from: Pina, Marcello, Don Pietro, Marina, Major Bergman, Ingrid or Giorgio Manfredi)
14. "If you really loved me, you would have changed me."
15. "Of course he'll talk. If he doesn't it would mean an Italian is worth as much as a German...and no reason for this war!"
16. "Papa, take this in case you are cold...mamma gave it to me."
17. "I believe that he who fights for justice and truth walks in the path of God."
18. "He could have found a better woman than me - n
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